Remote working in:


Switzerland is a sophisticated and wealthy financial hub in the middle of Europe that has a strong international community and boasts four official languages. 

Working and Freelancing in Switzerland

Several foreign-owned multinational organisations have their headquarters in Switzerland and the country is generally friendly to foreign workers. However, the tax system can prove to be complicated without help. Joining the Hightekers network will allow you to make this process much easier and it can take on your paperwork to ensure you are compliant with local regulations.

Quality of life in Switzerland

This is a very wealthy country and the quality of life is very high (albeit expensive). There is a strong work-life balance with a very strict attitude towards evenings and weekends being reserved for spending time with family and friends. Culturally, Switzerland values punctuality in the workplace, but refreshingly this happens at both ends of the work day so you are expected to leave on time as well as turn up on time. Switzerland also has a well regarded universal healthcare system which is funded through state-run health insurance schemes.

Infrastructure in Switzerland

More than 99% of Switzerland is covered by 4G internet and the country has a highly developed internet infrastructure, with 93% of households having access to the internet, 30% of which is over fibre optic broadband. Coverage and speeds are excellent, with only the more rural homes relying on lower bandwidth connections.

Transport in Switzerland

Switzerland has a reputation for being punctual which is evident in their rail system, with 98% of travellers reportedly making train connections thanks to the railway’s reliability. Public transport is efficient and can get you pretty much anywhere in the country at the time it says it will.

Cost of living in Switzerland

Switzerland is often acknowledged as one of the most expensive places to live in continental Europe with Zurich and Geneva being among the most expensive cities to live in in the world.  

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Geneva +41 22 518 07 75
Rue de Carouge 24, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
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